Last semester, both kids' teachers said they were doing well, but Haydn was having some trouble with his spelling, and he's never held his pencil right. She wanted the OT to look at him and see if that was a sign of something else.
Last semester, Autym's teacher said she was doing well, but she had a hard time following directions sometimes. I was curious to see if they had improved.
We knew the OT had looked at Haydn and figured out that the way he held his pencil had nothing to do with anything, and that he was actually a lot smarter than anyone knew, bordering on genius, it was just that he wasn't that interested in school, so he wasn't trying as hard as we should. We told Haydn about what the OT said. This semester his teacher reports that ever since we told him about the OT's tests, it's like someone flipped a switch. He's excited about school, and happy to be there, and he is trying harder. Haydn got all A's and one B+ on his report card. His teacher says he is the best singer in his class, and kind of a class clown, but not in a disrespectful way (thank goodness!).
Autym got all As on her report card, bringing her Math score up from an 88% to a 100% and her Spelling from an 88% to a 97%. Her teacher tells us that she is a million times better at following directions, and that she is a delight to have in class. She is very helpful to others. Yay! I guess it looks like I'm raising a couple of smarty pants(es). :-)
I love it when you can come away from PT conferences feeling good. It's like you let someone judge your most creative project (your kids) and it makes me feel very vunerable. it kind of feels like an audition. Don't ya think?
Wow! I think Haydn got his smarts from that first year in cub scouts. You know fluffy bunny really improves brain function? Congrats! Looks like you just got a mother's payday!
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